Saturday, August 16, 2014

Reading Christian non-fiction

~Saturday Stories~ 

I started homeschooling this week, so I haven't really had the time to finish Glass Girl by Laura Anderson Kurk. I hope I'll have a review by next week, though.

So... my literature course is pretty serious and I have some pretty good loooooong Christian reading to do. Here are some thoughts on the two books I have started:

1. Bradford's History of Plimoth Plantation. This is basically the history of the Pilgrims coming to America. I didn't expect to like it as much as I have so far. I'm not far into it, but William Bradford does a good job of vividly describing the persecution of the church.

2. The Treatise Concerning Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards. Edwards was a Puritan theologian and his thoughts on affections and how they are connected to the will, etc. are pretty interesting.

You might not like history or books on theology. And I'll be honest, I wouldn't have opened these books if they weren't must-reads for class. But sometimes a glimpse into the hardships of Christians or some deep thoughts on a serious topic can help us mature a bit, don't you think?
How about you? Do you read serious Christian books? How have they helped you in your life?

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