Thursday, January 2, 2014


 It's sometimes interesting to see what sort of things people promise each other. A while back while watching Star Wars Mom mentioned that Anakin kept promising things he wasn't in control of. Like, "I won't let you die in childbirth, Padme. I promise." How could he promise that? He can't control life and death. In another movie we watched (Neverland about the "beginnings" of Neverland) Peter promises to do everything he can to get the boys back home. I like that more. He doesn't promise to do it, but to try.  

Sometimes it's better not to promise at all. Or to promise and say "God willing" and mean it. By ourselves we can do nothing, but with God we can do anything (Philippians 4:13). Let's not forget that we can try, but the ultimate choice is up to the Lord.

How about you? What sort of things do you promise? Do you always follow up on them?

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